Shadow Fight Wiki

Silhouettes was one of the customization features available in Shadow Fight 1. To access this feature, players had to click on the icon in the Shop interface. The default silhouette was given for free while other silhouettes could be bought for rubies. There were 8 silhouettes available - 5 for male shadows and 3 for female. The silhouette applied was also visible to other players such as friends and opponents when they fought the player's shadow.

Male Silhouettes[]

Image Cost (Rubies)
1st Male Silhouette Free
2nd Male Silhouette Free
3rd Male Silhouette Free
4th Male Silhouette 200
5th Male Silhouette 300

Female Silhouettes[]

Image Cost (Rubies)
1st Female Silhouette Free
2nd Female Silhouette Free
3rd Female Silhouette 500

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